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On the 23rd of July 2024, we proudly hosted the inaugural Women in Tech Oxfordshire meetup, marking the beginning of what we believe will be a thriving community for women in technology across the county. The event was held at the Business and IP Centre (BIPC) in Oxfordshire County Library, and the turnout far exceeded our expectations. Every seat was filled, and there were over 50 enthusiastic tech professionals on the waiting list, eager to join us. The overwhelming response was a testament to the vibrant energy and keen interest within the local tech community to connect, learn, and share their unique experiences.

An Evening of Inspiration, Learning, and Connection

The event began with a warm welcome and refreshments, setting the stage for an evening of meaningful networking. Attendees, ranging from experienced professionals to those just starting their careers in tech, had the opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded individuals. The room was buzzing with conversations as women from diverse backgrounds in the Oxfordshire tech scene shared their stories, challenges, and aspirations. The atmosphere was one of genuine camaraderie, and it was clear that this was more than just an event—it was the beginning of a supportive community where everyone felt included and valued.

A Closer Look at Our Inspiring Speakers

The heart of the evening was undoubtedly the inspiring talks delivered by two remarkable female leaders in tech, who generously shared their career journeys and invaluable insights.

Emily Middleton, a Senior Software Engineer at Viator, kicked off the evening with her insightful talk, The Pendulum in Action. Emily’s presentation delved deep into the dynamics of navigating a career in tech, focusing on the often-discussed engineering and management pendulum. She shared her personal experiences of transitioning between technical and managerial roles, shedding light on the challenges and rewards that come with these shifts. Emily’s candid discussion about her career path was both thought-provoking and empowering. She offered practical advice that resonated with many in the audience, particularly around the importance of flexibility and resilience in career development. Her talk left us all with much to consider as we chart our own paths in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Following Emily, Ruth Trevor-Allen, an Engineering Manager at Nominet, took the stage with her engaging and humorous talk titled 5 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way. Ruth’s presentation was a captivating blend of storytelling and hard-earned wisdom. She shared some of the most significant mistakes she’s made throughout her career, turning them into valuable lessons for all of us. Ruth’s ability to weave humour into her recounting of these experiences had the audience laughing and nodding in agreement, making her lessons all the more impactful. Her honesty and willingness to discuss her ‘non-successes’ was refreshing, offering a realistic and relatable perspective on the challenges women often face in the tech industry. Ruth’s talk was a powerful reminder that mistakes are an essential part of growth and that learning from them is key to success in any career.

Extending the Conversation Beyond the Event

The official part of the evening may have concluded with the talks, but the conversations were far from over. The majority of attendees continued the discussion at The Royal Blenheim, a nearby pub, where the networking continued in a more relaxed setting. The pub was abuzz with animated conversations as women shared their reflections on the evening, discussed their own experiences, and brainstormed ideas for future collaboration. It was incredibly rewarding to see so many connections being made and friendships being formed. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, with many attendees expressing their appreciation for having a dedicated space where women in tech could come together, support one another, and grow both personally and professionally. This supportive and inclusive environment is something we are particularly proud to have cultivated, and we are excited to see how these connections will continue to flourish.

Looking Ahead: What’s Next for Women in Tech Oxfordshire?

With the success of our inaugural event, we’re thrilled to continue building on this momentum. Our next event on the 5th of September is already fully booked, reflecting the high demand and growing interest in our community. However, this is just the beginning, and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. We encourage anyone interested to join our group on Meetup, where you can stay updated on future events and secure your spot early. Given the enthusiasm and interest we’ve seen so far, we anticipate that our events will continue to fill up quickly. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this dynamic and supportive community of women in tech in Oxfordshire.

We would like to extend a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our first event—our inspiring speakers, the enthusiastic attendees, and the fantastic team at BIPC Oxfordshire for providing such a welcoming and conducive venue. The outpouring of support and the positive feedback we’ve received have been truly inspiring, reinforcing our belief that this community has the potential to make a real impact.

Humand Talent: Driving Change in the Tech Community

This incredible event was sponsored, organised, and hosted by Humand Talent, a forward-thinking recruitment and talent development company dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Humand Talent is on a mission to provide 5,000 hours of free education and networking opportunities to the local community, and this Women in Tech Oxfordshire meetup is just one example of how they’re making that vision a reality.

Humand Talent specialises in connecting talented individuals with innovative tech companies, while also offering a range of services designed to support career growth and professional development. Their approach goes beyond traditional recruitment—they are deeply committed to building a more inclusive tech industry by creating spaces where everyone, regardless of background or experience, can thrive. By hosting events like these, they’re providing valuable opportunities for women in tech to learn from industry leaders, expand their networks, and gain the skills they need to succeed.

Get Involved: Share, Speak, and Shape the Future

As we look to the future, we’re eager to hear from you. If you’re interested in speaking at a future event, have suggestions for topics you’d like to see covered, or simply want to share your thoughts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re committed to making Women in Tech Oxfordshire a space where everyone can learn, connect, and thrive. Your input and participation are what will make this community truly special, so we welcome all ideas and contributions.

Our goal is to continue fostering a space where women in tech across Oxfordshire can come together to support each other, share knowledge, and inspire the next generation of tech leaders. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or are an experienced professional, there’s a place for you here. Together, we can create a more diverse, inclusive, and vibrant tech community in Oxfordshire.

We can’t wait to see how Women in Tech Oxfordshire will grow and evolve in the coming months. Thank you once again to everyone who made our first event such a success. Your enthusiasm and support have set the stage for an exciting journey ahead. We look forward to seeing you at our next event and to continuing this incredible journey together.

See you soon!

The Humand Talent Team